

Do Animals Have Morals?

Frans de Waal discusses his TED Talk on NPR (13 minutes)

Compare chimpanzee and bonobo vocalizations

Narrated by Lesleigh Luttrell (2 minutes)

A full repertoire of bonobo vocalizations

Narrated by Lesleigh Luttrell (4 minutes)

Little Known Wild Animals: Heard About Bonobos?

Frans de Waal discusses bonobos with the Wild About Pets Radio Show.

Sounds of Science - Chimpanzee and bonobo vocalizaions

Frans de Waal, interviewed by Jim Eisner, NPR (2 minutes)

How bonobos have caused a reinterpretation of human origins

Frans de Waal, interviewed by Steve Paulsen, Wisconsin Public Radio (13 minutes)

Monkey Business a Fair Affair

Sarah Brosnan, interviewed by Joe Palca, NPR (5 minutes)

Voice of America - 30 Years of Primate Photography

Frans de Waal discusses his recent book My Family Album (8 minutes)

92nd Street Y New York

Frans de Waal discusses his book Our Inner Ape (2005)

PopTech! held in Camden, Maine

Frans de Waal discusses human nature (2004)

