September 19, 2005
58, Number 4
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September 26 , 2005
evaluates ethics of U.S. response to Hurricane Katrina
katherine baust
Five panelists, brought together by the Center for
Ethics for the first of a two-part series called “Falling Apart & Coming
Together: Ethical Responses to Hurricane Katrina,” on Tuesday,
Sept. 14 at 2 p.m. in Cox Ballroom, raised and evaluated fundamental
ethical questions arising from the response to the Gulf Coast disaster.
Kathy Kinlaw, associate director of the Center for Ethics, introduced
the panelists. “Is
it too early to begin reflecting on and analyzing responses? Yes and no,” Kinlaw
said. “Though we run the risk of missing important points, there is merit
of having this discussion now while we are in the midst of it and when the details
of what happened are still fresh.”
“In a disaster response, there are three stages: the emergency stage, the
relief phase and the long-term recovery phase,” said panelist Susan Henry
Crowe, dean of the chapel and religious life, who should know; prior to coming
to Emory, Henry Crowe was an administrator for the South Carolina United Methodist
Council on Ministries during the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo. “The emergency
stage usually lasts about 10 days. We are still in this stage because of the
unusual destructiveness of Hurricane Katrina. For every one day of emergency,
you can usually count on needing one month of relief.”
“The hurricane has exposed ethical problems related to social justice and
raised questions of how emergency services should be used,” said James
Buehler, research professor of epidemiology in the Rollins School of Public Health.
His background as a physician, combined with his work at the CDC on the role
government should play in disease and public health, enabled him to provide a
context for ethical questions about the use of emergency services as they relate
to public health needs. “A good way to look at this is as a continuum,
not as an either or situation. There is a need to both prepare for natural disasters
and for terrorism.”
“To accept a job without competence is immoral,” said Edward Queen,
director of the Ethics and Servant Leadership Program. A specialist in religion
and culture, Queen talked about public ethics of leadership. “Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) director Michael Brown could have fallen on his sword
earlier. He was not prepared for the role, and now the world knows it.”
“Why did we see such a spectacular disaster in FEMA?” asked Tracy
Yandle, assistant professor of environmental studies, who came to discuss environmental
impact and public policy. “One of the answers I have heard is that it reflects
the failure of the current leadership to take the role of government seriously.
I don’t know if this is true, but when you look at the person who was in
charge of FEMA, you can make an interesting argument.
“Another possibility,” Yandle said, “is the fact that FEMA
was pushed into Homeland Security, resulting in a change from a cabinet to a
sub-cabinet position. Or, we could look to engineering, the fact that this city
was built in a very unstable environment.”
“Festering inequalities and destructive policies have affected and infected
the areas effected by the hurricane,” said Alton Pollard, director of the
Black Church Studies Program and associate professor of religion and culture
in the Candler School of Theology. “The aftermath of Katrina is a great
place to access race, ethnicity and social class in this country.”
Following the panelists’ comments, attendees posed questions about global
warming, race, class and social inequality, the role of the media, and relief
efforts. The second part of the series, held on Thursday, Sept. 14, consisted
of roundtable discussions designed to take the themes raised during the first
session and make action recommendations.
For any more information about this series or the Center for Ethics’ upcoming
programs, visit www.emory.edu/ETHICS or
call 404-727-4954.