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January 18, 2000
Volume 52, No. 17



King Week returns with another diverse schedule

Lipstadt suit goes to British court

Emory 'Net hacked

First Person: Millenial Changes for Emory Report

Emory Profile: Cynthia Shaw--Keeping MLK's dream and Emory's celebration alive

1999 Emory Year-in-Review

Carter Center: 'Conversations' examines what to do about the real Y2K bugs

International Affairs: Rajmohan Gandhi to visit Emory Jan. 24 to Feb. 11

HSC to host regional conference at Emory

The Hindu Students Council (HSC) will host the HSC Southeast Regional Conference from Jan. 21-23. The conference will include speakers, workshops, discussions and social events to share thoughts about the future of Hinduism, as well as its relationship to other world religions.

All events will take place in WHSCAB. Admission is $25 for students and faculty, and $35 for nonstudents. For more information, call Brijesh Mehta at 404-251-1225.


David Bright Leads 'Hell'-ish new sci-fi course

Bacteria aids in research

LGBT essay competition

The President's Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Concerns is holding its annual competition in lesbian/gay/queer studies.

The prize for graduate students is $500 and $250 for undergraduates.

Graduate essays or dissertation chapters of 15-35 pages, and undergraduate essays of 10-20 pages on any topic in lesbian/gay/queer studies, will be considered. Students must have completed essays during Spring or Fall 1999 semesters. President Chace will present the awards at the LGBT Pride Banquet on March 2.

Three copies of the essay are due by 5 p.m., Jan. 31 to Saralyn Chestnut, director of the Office of Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender life.

For more information, contact Susan Browne at 404-727-8950.

Ancient Art unveiled at Carlos

The first ancient Greek and Roman objects obtained through a $10 million gift to me Carlos Museum by Michael and Thalia Carlos were unveiled Jan. 14.

The group of works from his new collection includes masterworks in bronze, marble and ceramic that span a millenium in Greek and Roman art from the eight century B.C. to the second century A.D.