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March 1, 1999
Volume 51, No. 22



Health care, research confidentiality Emory's top two lobbying concerns at Capitol

Carter, Tutu discuss peace in Cannon Chapel

First person: College women defy 'victim' label applied by media

Guerlac cultivates lifelong love of all things French

LEO roars into Emory

Technology source: New program helps researchers get a grip on citations

Issues in progress: President's Commission on the Status of Minorities

Science catches up to age-old beliefs about children's growth

1998 United Way raffle winners

Seven faculty awarded promotions, tenure

Health literacy a problem for older Americans

Chace meets with county officials about MARTA rail line

In a study released Feb. 17, MARTA officials unveiled potential sites for rail service expansion in DeKalb and Fulton counties. The route linking South DeKalb, Emory and Lindbergh Station was third in priority of the four options the transit authority presented. MARTA officials told The Atlanta Journal/Constitution that the study is one part of an equation that also will include public comment and political considerations in deciding where to expand the system.

After the report's release President Bill Chace invited a coalition of DeKalb County business, government and community leaders to Emory to talk about how they might ensure one of the proposals funded for connection to the MARTA rail line is located in DeKalb. "In particular we're interested in making sure the Emory/Clifton Corridor area has, preferably, a light rail connection from the Lindbergh Station," said Betty Willis, director of community affairs.

This is the first of a series of meetings of the coalition, Willis said, and more details will be forthcoming. "We want to work together as a strong voice of support so that DeKalb County won't get left out."


New publication for faculty coming soon

The Academic Exchange: A Place for Scholarly Conversation at Emory is a new publication for Emory faculty. If you're a faculty member and have not received a copy of the first issue by March 5, contact Allison Adams, managing editor, via e-mail at <aadam02@ emory.edu> or call 404-727-5269.


Emory swimmers bring home titles

For the first time in school history, Emory won both the men's and women's team titles at the University Athletic Association swimming and diving championships. Both Emory squads set conference records for highest winning score in the UAA's 12-year history. The championship was the seventh for the women and the first for the men. Emory junior Christopher Rendall and sophomore Fred Schreiber were co-winners as conference male "Swimmer of the Year." The meet was held Feb. 17-20 at the P.E. Center.


Interdisciplinary class uncovers classical Roman law

Davis unearths forgotten 'race man' Hope in biography

Faculty Town Hall meeting slated for March 15

The Faculty Town Hall meeting will be held on Monday, March 15, in the Winship Ballroom. The topic will be tenure. This is the meeting that was originally scheduled Feb. 18.

Emory Report off for Spring Break

Emory Report will not publish the week of March 8 because of Spring Break. We will resume our regular publication schedule on March 15.

Emory, Georgia State sponsor Brain Awareness Week

Scientists and researchers from Emory and Georgia State University will share their expertise on the most remarkable machine in the biological universe-the human brain-in three public lectures during the March 15-21 National Brain Awareness Week.

The March 15 lecture, held at GSU's Speakers Auditorium, will be on "Intelligence and Language Ability of Chimpanzees," delivered by Duane Rumbaugh, director of GSU's Language Research Center. Julie Schweitzer, assistant professor of psychiatry at Emory, will give the March 16 lecture, "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" in WHSCAB Auditorium. And on March 18, Emory psychiatry Professor Michael Davis will speak on "Brain Systems Involved in Fear and Anxiety," also in WHSCAB Auditorium. All lectures begin at 7 p.m.

In addition to these events, Emory and Georgia State neuroscientists and graduate students will visit high schools in Gwinnett and Fulton counties to demonstrate advances in the field and highlight the many questions that remain in areas such as memory and learning, movement disorders, drug addiction and schizophrenia.

All lectures are free and open to the public. For more information, call 404-778-7777.


Nominations sought for 1999 Jefferson Award

The provost's office is soliciting nominations for the 1999 Thomas Jefferson Award, given every year to a faculty member for significant service through personal activiites, influence and leadership.

"The award goes beyond recognizing a 'man or women of the year,'" Provost Rebecca Chopp said in a letter she sent to faculty. "The selection committee has traditionally looked for a substantial and sustained contribution to the University that has occurred over a number of years."

Chopp said the contribution usually occurs in teaching, research and scholarship, non-academic accomplishments with students; improving the quality of the University or a unit in significant and unusual ways, and service to the educational community on the local, state or national level.

Nomination letters will remain current for five years. They may be sent by e-mail to <Thomas_Jefferson_ Award@emory.edu>, or by mail to the attention of Harriet King, Office of the Provost, 404 Administration Building. For more information, call Lynn Magee at 404-727-0313.