Emory Report

June 14, 1999

 Volume 51, No. 33

Issues in progress:

Employee Council

The May meeting of the Employee Council was called to order by president Ann Rouse. Past President Ron Foust reported that a selection committee at Human Resources will view presentations from vendors this month as they continue with plans for changes in EmoryCare's management. Objectives for the new plan include providing more doctors from outside the Emory system and improving responsiveness to employees. The new plan is expected to be implemented some time next year and will be presented to employees during the November benefits election period.

Foust also said that the Senate Committee on the Environment rejected the proposal for the road at Lullwater's edge. The Committee on Parking and Development passed the same proposal as did the entire Senate, which voted 21 to 13 in its favor. The new parking deck at University Apartments and the road are scheduled to be constructed by the summer of 2000.

Visitor Scott Barker, executive producer for the University's web site, told members that Emory's internal and external home pages are being redesigned. Macquarium Intelligent Communications has been hired as a consultant for the new design. Barker said the general consensus was that people are looking for a warmer site that better represents Emory's image. He asked the council for its input and opinions about what could make the site more user friendly. He said suggestions can be sent to him via e-mail at <sbarker@emory.edu>.

During committee meeting reports, the communications and membership committees combined and reported that a "meeting Employee Council members" day will be held after Labor Day at the business school. On June 25, a blood drive will be held in the lower lobby of the School of Public Health--more information will be distributed at the June meeting. The membership committee also addressed dwindling attendance at council meetings and informed those present that council members will be replaced after missing three meetings. Rouse said she will contact Robert Ethridge, associate vice president of the equal opportunity programs, to send a letter to department chairmen to encourage flexibility in scheduling so that members can attend.

The special issues committee announced they are looking into current policy regarding internal transfers and promotions. They also are continuing their efforts concerning lowering the age for participating in the University pension plan and are discussing stronger arguments to present to President Bill Chace. After receiving information about the retirement formula-the years of service plus the employee's age must be 70 or more before an employee can retire with benefits-the committee is also obtaining information on health care costs and the impact of change.

The next Employee Council meeting is June 16.

--Stephanie Scott

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