Emory Report

March 23, 1998

 Volume 50, No. 25

Issues in Progress

President's Commission on Lesbian,
Gay and Bisexual Concerns

This month's meeting convened March 16, and co-chair Yvette Morgan first introduced Jeremy Corry, who spoke to requestfunding to bring San Francisco photographer Mark Chester to campus in October for Gay History Month. Corry requested partial funds for the $700 in expenses for Chester, who asks for no honorarium, to present a slide show and lecture. The commission approved $250.

In subcommittee reports Dyshaun Muhammed's coffeehouse committee requested funding for a Queer Family Picnic likely to be held April 4 in Howell Park at Virginia Avenue and Ponce de Leon Place. The catered event will run from 1 to 5 p.m., and all members of the Emory community are invited. The commission approved $400 to cover expenses.

Jack Zupko and Darryl Gossett of the honorary degrees committee presented a list of names to be submitted to University Secretary Gary Hauk's office as nominations to the Board of Trustees. The commission approved the list for submission.

Danielle Doughman reported that the March 2 Pride Banquet went well, although some 24 individuals who made reservations did not attend. Saralyn Chesnut suggested some kind of deposit for next year's event.

Anne Rector volunteered to talk to General Counsel Joe Crooks about how Emory's equal opportunity policy applies to affiliate organizations such as Emory Clinic. The commission is looking into the feasibility of requiring that Emory vendors and contractors hold to the same policy.

In new business, Chesnut reported on next fall's campus climate survey. She said 100-150 schools will be participating in a national study on campus attitudes toward underrepresented groups. Some 500 people will be surveyed on Emory's campus, and Chesnut invited people to come to the Office of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Life to read the survey questionnaire. Chesnut also brought to the commission's attention the availability of grants on suicide research (see, p. 2), a problem she said is of particular concern to lesbian/gay/bisexual students.

-Michael Terrazas

President's Commission
on the Status of Women

The commission's March 5 meeting began with subcommittee reports. Lynna Williams of the faculty concerns subcommittee said a final proposal of the faculty-based family obligation leave policy will be finished in May. Members of the subcommittee met with the staff concerns committee to talk about their priorities in this area.

In her report staff concerns chair Deb Floyd noted that while the subcommittee believes leave policy is an important issue to Emory staff, this is probably not the best time to tackle such an extensive issue. The subcommittee continues its focus on research determining whether a glass ceiling exists at Emory.

Subcommittee members attended a retreat led by Kim Harris of Human Resources Training that helped bring consensus about their research, Floyd reported. The group produced guiding principles and a value statement, she said, and in general "did a lot of work" toward fine-tuning their ideas about what "glass ceiling" really means and how to go about their research. The subcommittee expected to have their work underway after spring break.

Dilyn Loveless reported the student concerns committee is finishing up the handbook and will turn its attention to establishing a for-credit self-defense class and a mentoring program for students.

Joyce Jones of the nominating committee called for commission members to pass out nomination forms to women in their departments or divisions. She stressed that self-nomination is fine and encouraged current alternates to nominate themselves or remind the nominating committee of their service. The nominating committee will meet on or near March 20 to choose a roster of two three-year staff, one three-year faculty and eight one-year student appointments (four undergraduate, two graduate and two professional students) to the commission.

In other business, Jones distributed brochures for the spring event and reception at 5 p.m. April 9 in Cox Hall. The featured speaker is Johnnetta Cole, president emerita of Spelman College who'll join Emory's faculty in the fall. Her speech is titled "Dream the Boldest Dream," the name of her recently published book of inspirational messages. Commission Chair JoAnne McKenzie said about 20 papers had already been received for the writing awards.

The bylaws committee did not receive any concerns regarding content of the draft bylaws, McKenzie reported. However, suggested copy changes were incorporated and the revision is complete. The commission will vote on the new bylaws at the April meeting since the bylaws state there must be discussion of any changes at two consecutive meetings. She then thanked committee members for their service.

The PCSW's next meeting will be April 2 at 3:30 p.m.

-Stacey Jones

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