August 4, 1997
Volume 49, No. 36



Class of 2001 of
exceptional quality:
entering students
may be equally split
in terms of gender


U.S. News drops
Emory Hospital
from annual ranking


MD/PhD program
expands its incoming
class by 40 percent


Family issues and
master planning crop
up at Town Hall


Russian scholar
Remington named
first Halle professor

Tax plan agreement
reached, and higher
education fares well


Theater Emory
continues to probe potential of Black
Rose in 1997-98


Issues in Progress


Technology Source


First Person: Tom Flynn
An institution's soul provides
a distinctive identity


Profile: Timothy Albrecht
Organist graces Emory
and Glenn Church


Genetic discoveries hold
promise for metastic melanoma


Visions of the East tells
much about Western Culture

Research committee funding
requests due Oct. 1

The University Research Committee is soliciting applications for funding. All full-time faculty are eligible. The grants consist of Type A and Type B funds for short-term research projects. Type A support is for one-year projects; Type B is for brief projects. The maximum award is $4,000.

Applicants can request direct research support, release-time support or support for publication costs for completed manuscripts of major projects. Support for commercial publications such as textbooks, anthologies and workbooks will not be considered.

To start the process, applicants should request a form from the appropriate subcommittee: biological and health sciences, social sciences, humanities, or math and natural sciences.

The deadline for applications is Oct. 1, with notification of awards in January. Applications are available from the URC by mail (Rollins Research Building G65) or by phone at 727-7503.

Commuting survey,
vanpool seminars set

MARTA is continuing its series of South DeKalb-Emory-Lindbergh corridor public hearings. The latest was held July 23. The University has distributed 13,000 transportation surveys to campus-based employees. The surveys are the same as those being handed out at the MARTA meetings. After her office receives them, the completed questionnaires will be forwarded to MARTA officials, said Cheryle Crumley, alternative transportation director, and will give the transit authority some idea of commuting patterns and transportation needs to and from Emory.

Alternative Transportation also has been holding meetings regarding the new vanpool program. Six meetings, which last approximately an hour, are scheduled for August 7 and 14 at various locations on campus. For more information call 727-PARK (7275).

Photocopy services merge, add equipment and delivery

The merger of Medical Photocopy and Administrative Services has been completed, and the new Campus Printing Services facility is now open. The merger eliminates redundant services and reduces operating costs.

Rex Hardaway, director of Procurement & Materials Services, also said that improved customer service and reduced lead-times, as well as better responsiveness to the needs of the Emory community will result from the merger.

Campus printing services will continue to provide both offset and photocopy services. Pick-up and delivery service is also available. For more information, contact Chris Carter at 727-6075.

Grant proposals sought for internalization fund

The grant proposal deadline for the Internationalization Fund is September 30. Announced last April by then-Provost Billy Frye, the fund will provide intramural support for projects that further the goal of making Emory an international institution of research, teaching, learning and service. The fund is not intended to provide budget support for ongoing programs, but rather to facilitate new initiatives and ideas.

For more information or for a copy of proposal guidelines, call the Office of International Affairs at 727-7504.

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