Voices of Emory

How much do you attend cultural events on campus (i.e. art, theater, music, dance, literary, cinematic)?

Alice Frye
Graduate Student
"Not very much. I did hear Jesse Jackson speak. I wish Emory had a better alternative film series that was better organized and advertised, and more regular. I was at the University of Michigan recently, and they have five or six major film series with films every weekend, films you can't see on the big screen anymore."

April Whitaker
International Studies, Italian Studies
"Real rare. I don't find out about stuff. I'm going to try to start going to things."

Kathy Miner
Associate Professor of Behavioral Science
School of Public Health
"I attend them when I'm available and interested in the topic. They have some good bargains. It's great to be at a University that not only attends to the academic aspects of life, but also the social and cultural ones as well."

Amy Herman
"I work at the Carlos Museum in the registrar's office. I go to cultural events about twice a month. I would attend more programs if they were offered."

Anne Carmack
First-year student
Public Health
"I would say a moderate amount. Time is a limiting factor, and sometimes money."

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