What would/should your department do with an unexpected $1 million unrestricted gift?

Louise Jackson
Faculty Support
School of Law
"I think what my department would do is to update everybody's computer equipment and to hire additional staff for the work overflow."

Mamie Weaver
Workers Compensation Specialist
Human Resources "I think everyone in the department should get a raise. It would help morale. It would really bring it up high."

Dan Danyo
Rehabilitation Medicine
"Make improvements in our building, cosmetically and structurally. And make a more bona fide effort to make an out-patient clinic."

Marion Walker
"They would probably buy furniture for the students' rooms, carpet and stuff. They should give us a raise."

Ed Stansell Director Dobbs University Center "Use a small portion to conduct a community needs survey and feasibility study, then to attract additional donations for facility expansion. Some of the things we would be looking at would include 24-hour spaces for student use, a computer lab, and eliminating the temporary modular offices behind the D.U.C."