Library collection, catalog move

A significant collection-shifting project has just begun in the Woodruff Library. This project is necessary to prepare for: (1) the construction of the Center for Library and Information Resources (the addition to the Woodruff Library) scheduled to begin in June; and (2) the renovation of the first and second levels of Woodruff Library, scheduled to begin after completion of the new addition. Expected to last five months, the shift will involve all books and bound journals in the stack tower and the science collection located on the ground floor. In addition, some lesser-used materials throughout the collection will be moved to the library storage facility. The items going to the storage facility in the Materiel Center were identified by library selectors, with an opportunity for faculty to review the list. Items in storage will be identified in EUCLID, the online catalog; they can be requested at the circulation desk and will be available the next day.

The relocation of the science collection from the ground level into call number sequence in the stack tower is scheduled to occur during spring break and the intersession. The psychology collection will move to the sixth stack level during spring break with the remainder of the science collection moving in June. During the summer, the science reference and current unbound periodical material will move to the main floor.

No extended interruption in access to the collection is anticipated; however, library users may experience some temporary and short-term inconvenience as materials are in the process of being moved. Staff will be available, and signs will be posted throughout the library to assist users.

The other major move in the library will involve the card catalog which will be moved to the library storage facility immediately before Spring Break. The card catalog has been "frozen" since 1987 when the library stopped adding cards for newly acquired materials or making changes to cards already there. All new material since 1987 has been added to the online catalog, first DOBIS and then EUCLID.

For information, call 727-6861 or 727-6845.

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