Eight staff members named employees of distinction

On Wednesday, March 1, eight Emory staff members will be honored as recipients of the University's 11th annual Awards of Distinction. The program, which honors employees who have made outstanding contributions of service to Emory, is open to all regular general staff and presidentially-approved principals who have worked at the University for at least a year. Each recipient will receive a certificate and U.S. savings bond from President Bill Chace during a dinner ceremony at Cox Hall.

Denise Brubaker
Administrative Assistant
Political Science

Last year was one of the busiest ever for Denise Brubaker. The political science department released her from her regular duties for nine months to serve as secretary and administrator for the Presidential Search Committee. "Denise helped make a very demanding and momentous year a very enjoyable, smooth-running and memorable one," said Gary Hauk, secretary of the University. Back in political science, Brubaker is considered invaluable. "For the last several years, Denise has been handling everything pertaining to our graduate program," said department chair Harvey Klehr. "She has created systems to handle admissions, financial aid, registration and placement. She helps make new graduate students feel they are part of a community. . . She has a wonderfully wicked sense of humor, does not get rattled, knows how to puncture pretentiousness and creates a sense of community among faculty, students and staff."

Faye Dill
Personal Assistant to former President Jimmy Carter
The Carter Center

"During the 13 years that Faye Dill has been personal assistant to President Carter, she has fulfilled her duties in an exemplary manner," said Kay Hamner, associate director of The Carter Center. "Her personal qualities of discretion and remarkable judgment, along with her grasp of complex issues, have led many, from Carter Center management staff to fellows and members of the program staffs throughout the center, to rely upon her as a sounding board and to seek her good counsel and advice."

Juanita Kitchens
Admissions Office Manager
Oxford College

"I am not sure of another person who has been as flexible in working with such a variety of people and keeping as positive an outlook and attitude," said Oxford College Dean William Murdy of 30-year Oxford staff member Juanita Kitchens. "Nita has revamped our student employment program in the office to be one of the most effective on campus, with well trained and dependable student workers. She has also been instrumental in successfully reorganizing the office to continue getting the work done when one of our positions became vacant and remained unfilled for over a year."

Stacy Marcone
Administrative Director, Department of Biostatistics
Rolllins School of Public Health

Marcone is responsible for supporting the financial and operations aspects of the Department of Biostatistics. According to Vicki Stover Hertzberg, department chair and associate professor, "Stacy has created databases for tracking faculty/staff salary sources on a monthly basis (a real necessity in a department where five or six different sources may comprise the salary of any given individual), and is currently creating additional databases for tracking other income and expense information relevant to the department. Before being promoted to her present position last summer, Marcone was academic services coordinator for the department, organizing all aspects of academic support including the processes of student recruitment, applications, admissions, matriculation, registration and graduation.

Drake Sammons
Trades Worker, Residence Life Housing Maintenance
Oxford College

Sammons is one of only two maintenance staff responsible for the facilities and maintenance operation of seven residence halls and 10 faculty/staff houses at Oxford. "Drake never complains and is always willing to help, taking the initiative to get the work accomplished and keep others informed about potential trouble areas," said Oxford Dean William Murdy. "Working in the residence halls with 550 students representing a wide variety of styles, needs and backgrounds is quite a challenge. Drake is incredibly capable in this setting. Students like him and find him responsive."

Sara Shaffer
Administrative Assistant
Chemistry Department

Sara Shaffer "has never forgotten her school-teacher roots; the students are definitely her children," said Mary Garcia, chemistry department business manager. "She is a tremendous asset to the department community. In an emergency, you can always count on service above and beyond the call of duty from her. . .She is the recurring theme in a department that rotates chairs every three to six years. She is the `salt of the earth,' not a rare spice, but things just would not `taste' quite the same without her." Shaffer administers the payroll process for all department staff and students and manages several special accounts, one of which is the Emerson Seminar Series, which involves making travel and hotel reservations for many distinguished guest lecturers.

Cathy Jones-Smith
Program Development Specialist
Office of News and Information

Handling angry callers doesn't faze Cathy Jones-Smith, who serves as one of Emory's primary "front doors" by answering the main telephone line in News and Information. According to Director Jan Gleason, Smith responds to callers with "courtesy, aplomb and empathy." That's not always easy, said Gleason, when many callers are anxious parents, stressed out reporters or angry local residents. "Cathy smoothes the ruffled feathers of callers who have been bounced all over campus, and her extensive knowledge of Emory allows her to direct these calls or find answers to their questions." Smith also oversees the office's billing process and computer network and has served many campus organizations in leadership positions.

Kathy Steed
Accounts Payable
Office of the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer

"Kathy has created a real team effort in her department," said Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Frank Huff. "In an atmosphere where stress and long hours are commonplace, this is not an easy task. Her employees think the world of her and really enjoy their work. As a result, the quality of work in Accounts Payable continues to increase." In addition, Steed takes continuing education courses at night, works on political campaigns and helps house foreign exchange students. "She always goes the extra mile to do things right, sometimes working incredible hours to get the job done," said Huff. "It is not unusual for Kathy to work a 60-hour week to make sure people are paid on time or to meet a deadline."

--compiled by Dan Treadaway